PROUD TO CARE Ltd is an organisation aiming to provide high quality care to people. We are now looking to recruit more people to add to a growing team of remarkable staff
1 Are you passionate about providing Care, Support and Companionship to people in their own homes?
2 Do you want to make a difference and help people live their lives to the full?
3 Are you willing to learn some new skills and gain some new knowledge?
4 Can you make people feel at ease, give them confidence in you and uphold their dignity at all times?
If you can answer yes to these questions and have a desire to make every contact with our clients be the best it can be please get in touch we would like to hear from you by emailing grantleech@gmail.com
Nicola - Care and Support Worker - Reflections for the month of August 2015
Firstly I want to say how deeply touched I am from our meeting today, and a big thankyou to everyone for my flowers and card. I am truly going to miss being a part of Proud to Care, a company that actually does what it says.
To think I had your number Gary in my handbag for a good three months and I was in two minds as to whether to ring or not. Thankfully I made the right decison and I've not regretted it ever since.
I don't mind admitting in the early days I found it really intense caring for XXXX, and many a time I would doubt my own abilities as to whether I could do the job but with the support from other Care and Support Workers and yourself I saw light at the end of the tunnel, and managed to build a friendship with XXXX I think towards the end.
I have so many fond memories of my present clients and also of the ones that have sadly passed, too many to mention but my fondest memories must be the time i've spent caring for Fred, a true gent who has made my journey a pleasant one.
I would also like to say that I have the greatest respect for my colleagues as well, because unless you have actually worked as a Care and Support Worker people don't actually know what it entails. As we all know there is so much more to the role than just making cups of tea and heating up micro meals let me tell ya!!.( which is what friends of mine thought I did all day) haha.
It takes a special type of person to become a Care and Support Worker, a good carer anyhow, but above all it takes a special type of boss to lead the way and in that we have you Gary. Without you being the person that you are, believing in me, supporting me but above all making me feel valued, which i've never had in any of my previous jobs, it just would'nt have worked.
So for those reasons alone I would be a fool not to return back to Proud To Care, at some point in the not too distant future... hopefully.
Carer story - Corrine
I have always worked in the community with children, adults and families. I joined Proud to Care about in November 2012, and as part of the support team my role is to ensure that people are cared for with dignity and respect. Each new client is carefully assessed and a programme of care put into place to meet individual needs.
The Proud to Care team is growing and Gary (Managing Director) provides fantastic leadership where we all work closely together because listening and communicating is key to our success. Guidance and on-going training for each staff member is provided in all areas of care giving.
I feel happy in my work knowing that I can make a difference everyday when I am on my daily visits. My work/life balance works well because Proud to Care provides flexible shifts.
In a short space of time I have seen our clients smile, laugh and appreciate the work we do. I feel happy that in the future our team will continue to provide a great service delivered by people who really do care.
Corrine - Care and Support Worker
During the CQC inspection in November 2013, three carers spoke to the CQC about their experiences of working at Proud To Care. Here are some of the comments made by them: